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Get started

  1. Install KubeSphere via kk (or other ways). This is an optional step, basically we need a Kubernetes Cluster and the front-end of DevOps.
  2. Install ks-devops via chart
  3. Replace the images of ks-apiserver and ks-controller-manager. In current phase, we need to use a temporary images of KubeSphere which comes from the branch remove-devops-ctrl:

Want to go into deep? Please checkout the documentation.

Install it as a Helm Chart

First, please clone this git repository. Then run command: make install-chart

Run it locally

Technically, apiserver and controller are all binary files. So, it’s possible to run them in your local environment. You just need to make sure that the connection between your environment and a Kubernetes cluster works well. This is a default config file of these components, please see also the sample file.

Create Pipeline via CLI

ks is an official client of KubeSphere. You can create a Pipeline by it.

ks pip create --ws simple --template java --project default --skip-check -b good


For example, you can access an API like:

shell script curl -H "Authorization: bearer xxxx" \ http://localhost:9090/kapis/devops.kubesphere.io/v1alpha3/devops/testblpsz/pipelines

Please get a token from Kubernetes cluster, and replace xxxx with it.

Code contribution

If you’re going to update or add CRD go struct, please run the following command once done with that:

make manifests generate generate-listers

then, it can generate CRDs and DeepCopy methods.


Experimental support

octant-ks-devops is a plugin of octant. It provides a dashboard for Kubernetes and ks-devops.


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